I can't believe my baby is one! Bennett is such a good baby. He is just a sweetie and a joy to have in our family. I couldn't wait to give him his present so we started the day off with opening his gift. He didn't quite know how to open it so Austin showed him how to pull out a piece of tissue paper. It didn't take him long to figure it out after that.
After Bennett played with his new toy we made our traditional pancake breakfast. I tried a few times to make the one and I even tinted the batter blue but it didn't turn out. Jeff finally figured it out but he used regular batter. Bennett likes the pancake even with a normal one instead of a blue one.
After breakfast I made his cake. It is supposed to look like the very hungry caterpillar. Austin said it looked like a nice monster.
He loved when we sang Happy Birthday to him.
Picking it up was too much work so he figured out a more efficient way of getting the cake into his mouth.
My little man cracks me up. I can't believe how big he is getting. He looks so much like Austin, except his hair is lighter. Bennett is a Florida boy for sure. He loves to go in the pool and play outside. After cake we went to the pool and then just relaxed the rest of the day. It was the first weekend we had that we didn't do much stuff to the house. It was a nice way to celebrate :) Thank you everyone for your well wishes and cards.