Friday, September 21, 2012

Beautiful Boys

Whenever I tell Austin he is beautiful he says "I'm not beautiful, I'm just cool". I know the appropriate word is handsome but when I look at those big brown eyes I just think, "Oh my goodness they are so beautiful".

This is not my favorite picture, especially with the nasty looking house in the background. I do love my house but I can't wait to paint it. We are hoping to paint it in the winter. You can see the three grey spots where Jeff had to patch the stucco and you can see the back of the house is in need of paint.

I just finished making the quilt they are laying on. I made it for the Hope Outreach Center. They passed around a sign up sheet at church. There are more details about the quilt on my craft blog.

I can't believe how much they look alike. Bennett is just a smaller blonder version of Austin. They are so beautiful!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Austin

Austin turns four on September 5th but we wanted to be able to spend the day together as a family so we celebrated on Labor Day. I can't believe my baby is already 4!

This is Austin when he was seven months old.

Two years old.

Three years old. He was up to the pickle. This year he is up to the Swiss cheese. He grew three inches.

Four years old.

Last night I put streamers up in the hallway right outside his door so he got to run through them this morning. I also decorated his chair. He told me he likes his chair better "just wood".

Traditional pancake breakfast with a number four on his pancake. He requested a train on his pancake instead but Jeff said he wasn't that good.

Birthday plate. 

You can see his new bike behind him. He was really excited about it. He knew he was getting a bike because he was with me when I bought it and then we didn't have anywhere to hide it. We didn't let him ride it until his birthday though so he was still excited.

He was happy to get a huge box of fruit snacks but even more excited to find out the presents were inside the box.

crazy scissors. Now he won't have to borrow mine.

Paint brushes and a painting smock. I love IKEA!


Present from GG and Pap Pap.

He was more excited about the fishing rod than the bike. 

Austin has been asking to go fishing for the last four months, since we moved into our house. Right after presents Jeff took Austin out to fish in the canal behind out house.

Loud bird with a nest right in front of our gate. Right near that branch is where they caught their first fish. I was inside making the cake but I did give them bread to use as bait instead of the lour included with the Rod. This was a group effort fish catch.

Austin asking if he could keep it.

Austin ran in to tell me he caught a fish and I ran out with my camera. I'm glad I got pictures.

Austin's first fish.


Bennett turned 15 months old on the 2nd.

Catching all the balloons. 

Chloe must have felt left out because she got between Bennett and the camera. She looks very sinister in this picture but she really is a sweet cat.

Using his new art supplies.

I have a bone to pick with Hershey. The M&M bag I bought had half the amount of red and yellow m&ms as the other colors. We had to improvise in a few places. Austin loved it. He couldn't decide what color to pick so I decided to just use every color with M&Ms.

We didn't really have a party but we did invite some neighbors over to sing and cut the cake.

Austin loved when everyone sang to him. 

Bennett loved the singing too. He was laughing and clapping the whole time we were singing. 

Overall he had a wonderful day. Right now Austin and Jeff are playing with some blocks our friends Elena and Mike gave him and some legos that Grandma and Grandpa gave him. He is already talking about going fishing tomorrow.