Getting on the bus. He didn't even take a glance back.
He kept asking me to take his picture while he said different things. "Kindergarten, Foxtrail, school"
Bennett took it the hardest. He said he just wants his brother. He also informed me that he won't have any fun while he is at school.
There are about 15 kids at his bus stop. I think Austin might be one of the only Kindergarteners. He walked right up to the kids and started chatting.
New Sneakers. Austin wears a uniform so I wanted him to be able to wear the ones he wanted. He picked these black sneakers with neon green laces.
So sad.
Eating breakfast in the car while we wait.
So excited!!!
I only had a few graceful tears after his bus pulled away. I thought I'd cry harder. I'm going to miss him while he is at school. I'm going to miss Austin and Bennett playing together all day. I'm entering a whole new stage of life. Sigh.....