I don't have any pictures but I thought it was time to report what I have been up to. I have a lot of projects I am working on for communications. Most all of my classes give projects instead of other types of homework. I have a group presentation in my Media Law and Ethics class on Invasion of Privacy for famous people. We are comparing different case studies. I also did very well on the last exam. In Mass Media we have a group presentation about once every two weeks. I'm not too big on group projects because I don't like putting the fate of my grade in other peoples' hands so I end up doing almost all the work. The presentations aren't worth as many points as they should be also. Sewing is going well. I am cutting out the fabric for the child coat. I am making mine out of fleece and it will be lined also. I have the bodice sewn together and I just have the sleeves and then adding the skirt for the dress. I will also need to decide how it will close in the back. I am very pleased with how it is turning out. I finished making some bibs for Tiffany and I finished cutting out some more bibs for Alycia. They will be blue, green, red, baby blue and a white and green and blue striped. Vocal class is amazing, I love it. It is really relaxed and I am singing Now that I've seen her on Wednesday. Public relations we have an assignment due almost every class. I really like my interpersonal communication class. It is hard but I learn a lot. My professor is so funny, I laugh so hard during every class. He tells really good stories. He reminds me of my Uncle Don. Work is good. EFY started so they will be pain in the butt. I get a lot of really dumb questions. I only have to work Thursday nights this semester and I will be second in line for the fall to pick my hours. I am moving up!
We are excited about our ward camp out we are in charge of. It will be on Friday-Saturday. We are going to get hot dogs and smores and I am going to make a cake in the shape of a 58 because that is the name of our ward. I hope a lot of people come other wise Jeff and I will have cake out the wazoo!
Last night we had friends over for Family Home Evening. We made bird feeders out of pine cones and peanut butter. They have a baby named Andrew and he is so cute. They are a lot of fun to hang out with and just chat. It was a lot of fun. I want to try and invite a different couple over every other Family Home Evening. Some day I will have kids I can assign stuff to and I'll need one of those charts or plaques that gives out the different assignments.
Jeff is having fun building something for work. He isn't allowed to use the tools at work but he needed something so he brought the stuff home and is working on it in our carpeted kitchen on our kitchen table. There are saws and dremels involved so I have to admit I am a bit nervous. I like having a kitchen table.