The Sheffields gave us a bag of cloths when Austin was born. These Pjs were in it and I love them. They look like long underwear. He is just such a cutie in them and I think they make him look longer.
Jeff started running and he decided to take Austin with him. So I got him all bundled up and gave him his bink and they were off. Jeff said he fell asleep within minutes so I guess he liked it. It is a little too cold now for him to go out with Jeff on his runs. I was excited for him to wear the hat I made for him.
Austin turned three months old on Friday. He is getting so big. He is too big for the cute shoes my friend Erin got for him. I told Jeff I was sad he was getting older and couldn't fit into his darling shoes and he asked me if I would rather him fit into those shoes or sleep through the night. He made a good point. Austin has been sleeping really good the past week which is great timing for all my big projects that are due Wednesday.
Austin has found his hand. You can see him looking right at it and then he turns it and puts it in his mouth. He has been doing this a lot. I don't think it has replaced his bink though, he is totally a binki boy.