I took some pictures after making some minor changes. I also took some of the outside of the house. Notice the new light fictures and we also took the carpet off the island so there is still some white glue residue. I oiled and cleaned the big shelf in the family room and patty got us some awesome rugs. We have sinced moved the smaller one to the kitchen. I need to get a good picture of our new flooring in the kitchen once Jeff puts the moulding up.
Thanks for posting these. Also, thanks for fixing up the place! Katie noticed the two paintings that you put up. She laughed because they were "under-paintings" meaning she was just getting rid of some paint she had on her palette and was going to paint over them. We're glad you like them well enough to hang them up!
It makes me tired to look at that floor and think of the two layers of ancient linoleum tile and scraping off the glue and that nasty kitchen carpet that is now GONE! Hooray! can't wait to see the pictures of the new floor.
You guys are doing a really good job...way to go!
I bet it's nice to go from an apartment to a house. You cant just talk louder to be heard; You actually have to yell. And you can blare your music. Yeah!
That looks great! And spacious. So are the owners paying you guys to fix it up or providing materials? They are so lucky to have a handy man living there with a wife who takes care of the place too!
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