I really can't believe how fast Austin is growing. As my Mom would say, he's growing like a little stink weed. He is fitting into 0-3 month cloths and his 0-3 month onsies are getting really hard to button so we got some more of the next size. Since we've gotten bigger diapers we haven't had any leaking incidents. We used to pick him up and his back would be soaked, ewww. We've been putting a silky blanket in his crib for him to lay on to try and keep his hair from rubbing off in the back. I really love his dark hair and I don't want him to have a weird bald spot so I'm hoping it works.
he is adorable.
He is just so CUTE!!!!!! I love looking at pictures of him!!!!!! That nuk still looks so big compared to his face.
I love the squished face they get when they're leaning on someone's chest. Precious!!!
he looks like he is filling out some! I wish I was there to hold him!
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