This is the baby bedding that my Parents got for us. We were really excited to go pick it up at Walmart and set it up. I was disappointed that they didn't have the mattress we wanted in the store when we got the first half of the bedding so we couldn't set it up right away, but when the rest of the bedding got there they had a mattress that we wanted. I love how it looks with the rest of the furniture. Thanks Mom!
I LOVE it!
That is so DANG CUTE! You're going to have one stylin' little guy. :)
very cute!!! you are right, I do love it!
I love your bedding!!!! It is way cute!!!
(Sue & Dave Staus)
Hi, Brielle! I was so excited to hear that you are having a BABY BOY!!! Congrats! I know your mom is really excited to be out there to help you out. I love your bedding -- it's REALLY cute! How exciting to be setting up your first nursery!! Enjoy each of these fun little moments.
You'll have to check out my blog to see some fun pictures of your parents at our murder mystery dinner. They were great fun!
Take care,
Natalie Edwards
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