I've been calling Austin Mr. Wigglesworth because he wiggles a lot. He has been making more sounds and smiling all the time. It is actually harder for me to leave him and go to class than when he was first born. I think I love him more and more every day. He is my little man. All the nurses and his doctor talked about how cute he is and my doctor told me he wanted to take him home. He is doing well with growing and eating. He got his shots yesterday so we had a rough evening last night. Luckily I have a great and smart older sister who knew some tricks to help me last night. His leg was really red and swollen so she suggested I put a cold washcloth on it. It helped a ton. I also drew a circle around the area so I could tell if it got any bigger. I finally got him to sleep and he ended up sleeping really well last night. It was so sad to see him get his shots and they made me hold his legs down. After he got them I held him and nursed him and he calmed down right away. I think I'll have Jeff take him to the next shot appointment.
Shots are never fun... but it is sooo much better at this age because they don't know whats coming and they won't remember...
blake just had to get a flu shot and he was screaming and crying before they even came near him! I was so embarassed. The nurse and I had to pin him down and restrain him and he screamed bloody murder. Nick will be taking him the next time too!
I have the hardest time leaving Maddie too. It gets harder as they get older. You are so lucky you are done soon. Austin is such a cutie. You will have to let us babysit him before you guys leave.
shot appointments are so hard- my eyes watered a few times. And I'm always anxious about them before hand. These days I always bring chocolate or candy when we go- because babies who get shots need presents! :) I'm glad you could nurse him. It's hard to see them poked. But it's a great alternative to deadly disease, right?
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