Austin has started sucking his fingers. He actually prefers it over his bink now. I have tried to take his hands out of his mouth and put his bink in but he just pulls it out again and then tries to stick his hands in his mouth. He moves them around until he gets two fingers in place. Oh well at least he is only four months instead of 12 years old. I'm sure I can break him of the habbit before pre-school.
Elsa never used a bink, but started sucking on her two fingers at the same age. She got over it because, well, she uses her hands to get into everything now.
He's looking so grown up here. Still adorable as always!
He already looks different than when we saw him last! What a cutie!
It was so fun to hang out. Next time we will have to get Maddie and Austin together. I just wanted to let you know that our blog got deleted and I had to change the title. You'll have to change your link if you want it to go to the new one.
More handsome every day. How are you liking the Sony DSLR?
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