This is my, Jeff's, first time posting on the blog. We just bought our second vehicle. A 1998 Jeep Cherokee with just under 100,000 miles for just over 4,000. We picked it up at a dealer here in Ontario after looking at all the lots for about a month. We picked it because it can fit a car-seat for future baby(s) and tools for my tiling business. We're happy with our purchase.
Nice car.
Whoa! That's a nice jeep! I bet you guys are going to LOVE having two cars. Great color too and roomy. Yeah! congrats!
Oh that's beautiful! Great size and great price. Can we hire you to come tile our bathroom sometime? :)
How are you enjoying life? We just wanted to say Hi, Congrats on the new car that is so exciting. Is the Tiling business your own or are you working for someone else? Keep smiling
The Sheffields
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