Nobody panic, we didn't get a cat. We are babysitting Grandpa Kennington's cat. His name is Whiskers and he is a younger long hair cat. He is litter trained and he loves to play. I asked Jeff to pick him up so I could get a picture of them both and Whiskers started biting Jeff. Then he put him down and he attacked Jeff's foot. He follows us around the house and even sits at the extra chair at the dinner table. In one of the pictures Whiskers is helping Jeff install another door. He is giving us good practice having a baby because every night we have to get up and make him go away from our bedroom door. He cries and wakes us up because he is lonely. We don't want him scratching the comforter so we aren't letting him in to sleep with us. He is good company and he is just a really handsome cat. He wants company so much he already tried to climb into the shower with Jeff from the top of the curtain rod.
I hope you enjoy your time with the cat
Babies are a little more work than cats:)
Jeffrey looks a little too excited holding that cat....
True Tiffany, you could not leave a baby alone for a week with just a box of litter and an over filled bowl of crunchies. But still good practice- at least as far as the unexpected goes: Man would I love to have seen Jeff's reaction to the cat on the shower rail. Just the facial reaction- Not the ... rest. :) And ditto Carrie- Jeff looks truly happy with that cat. I don't know if he was a cat lover to begin with but it's true that one spouse's interests/ways always have an impact on the other spouse's interests/ways. Conrad claims I changed him- he says he's much kinder now. Yes, imagine that!
man- do ya think I said enough?
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