Jeff got a new tool so he decided to use it to make a settlers of Catan game board. It was inspired by an idea that our friends told us about. Our friends, the Heins, introduced us to the game and they said one of their friends had made a wooden board so the game board could fit in without moving all around. We've already used it and we really like it a lot. It keeps the board together while we play. I think it will really com in handy once our kids get older because they won't be able to destroy the board while we are in the middle of a game.
Why don't you just find a different game if you think that one is so boring?
Remember when Conrad labeled my shortcut to the women's board 'the bored'?
I was thinking your post was 'punny' because, though I love your new 'board', I do get 'bored' when I play Settlers of Catan. And it was just too fun not to comment on it. :)
Good job Jeff. It looks really nice.
soooo.... how do we get one? :) Landon destroys our board all the time, and so does anyone anytime they roll the dice! When are you coming to play again? Very nice Jeff!
Brielle just a thought on your bread, Do you let your bread rise twice? You let it rise in the bowl once and then punch it down and then let it rise a second time in the bread pans. I am not sure if you have tried this trick but it's worth a shot.
Now I know what game to beat you guys at when you come to visit, I love Settlers!
We love that game! We will have to get together some time and play!
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