Well my biggest news is that I'm still pregnant with 6 weeks left to go, woohoo. I'm not itching for the baby to be out just yet. It's been really nice to have things slow down here so I can really take everything in and get things ready. We only have a few more things left to get and for the most part the nursery is done. We cleaned out the closet and organized Austin's cloths and washed some of his things in Dreft so they will be nice and soft. Instead of sticking everything on the changing table I organized everything and put them into baskets. The local craft store, porters was having a 50% off sale on baskets so I bought three. Jeff even helped me pick them out. I also started a baby blanket. Really it was just something to do while I'm at work. I made it too wide so I had to go back and get more yarn. It will probably be bigger than I wanted it to but I'm too lazy to pull out all the yarn and start over. Another project Jeff and I have been doing together is painting wooden toys. Jeff saw them at walmart and so we got a few. He couldn't decide which ones were the coolest so we got a bunch. There are two left to paint but I needed something to post so here are the ones we've painted so far. Jeff even painted the bottom of the plane blue so when the enemy looks up into the sky they don't see the plane as easily.
Oh and there is one more update. It took me two years to finally listen to both my genious older sisters but I made a month calandar of all my dinners. Jeff helped me type up everything I know how to make on a spreadsheet and the cookbook and page number it is under and then we printed a calandar and assigned meals to different days. I gave myself two really easy meals a week and I left lunches open for leftovers. It has already saved us a bunch of money because we haven't had to buy as much groceries. I love it because picking what to make for dinner is the hardest decision of my day. Thanks lee and Tiff, it's been awesome. I will probably do September early and even cook some of the stuff and freeze it in preparation for the baby.
cute nursery! I love the bedding and the crib wood. it is so cute!
Wow, you are way more prepared than I ever was!!!!!! So cute!
you look good brielle...way better than I did! Love ya!
I just love your bedding!!!!
We had everything ready for Jayden like you do and he came late! Hopefully your little guy doesn't make you wait.
Good luck with your last couple of weeks!
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